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Cold Exposure By Magnus Appelberg


Eliminate Stress & Pain - And Reach a New Level of Focus, Energy, & Physical Well-Being in The Next 30 Days

- WITHOUT The Use Of Medication, Supplements Or ANY Expensive Therapy Sessions

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⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐"I recommend this to anyone who wants to decrease their anxiety or stress levels, or reconnect with their power and their worth." - Minna, Entrepreneur

Improve your immune system to eliminate stress & anxiety and have aches & pains go away…

Add more energy, increased mental clarity and general calmness and happiness into your everyday life

Break through fears and reach new goals with your new-found vitality and focused state of mind 🚀

Have You Experienced Any Of the Below Lately?

  • You have a general sense of unease that you might not even have an explanation for

  • You get sick a lot, especially during the Spring and Fall

  • You feel low-energy and are generally not excited about your everyday routines

  • You find it hard to quiet the thoughts running through your head, especially at night

  • You feel stressed and anxious in your work or family life

  • Stress & Inflammation - the biggest killers of the modern century

    Stress & Systemic Inflammation (be it in the case of arthritis or just smaller inflammations of the body) have been called ‘meta’ diseases - conditions that make every other illness much more harmful and prevalent in our lives.

    Due to our ‘unnatural’ lifestyles of high-pressure work situations, highly populated and polluted cities, and constant manipulation of our reward hormones because of modern comforts, stress and inflammation have become the most common chronic diseases in the Western world.

    Boost your mood & focus, drastically reduce stress and inflammation in the body - the NATURAL way

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    Restart Your Immune System With Cold Water

    The Cold Exposure Course is a 30-day online program that teaches you how to apply cold exposure to retrain your autonomic nervous system and condition yourself to deal with stress, anxiety, and inflammation to reach a completely new level of calmness and focus.

    It is NOT just another online course that you login once and then forget about. It's also NOT a magic pill scheme that promises you to heal anything and everything within just a few days.

    There is no fluff or filler. We immediately get down to brass tacks, showing you exactly what to do, how to do it, and why with easily consumable video lessons and PDF summaries.

    It is set up in an easy-to-follow 4 week program, with each week getting progressively more advanced so that you won’t fall off half-way.

    Unfortunately we are not accepting new students right now.

    My name is Magnus Appelberg.

    And I'm here to teach you about Cold Exposure Therapy

    I’m a Finnish health professional who has been doing and teaching ashtanga yoga for over 20 years.

    I’ve been highlighted in the Finnish TV & newspapers multiple times and have coached thousands of people over the years to have a healthier and better life. The theme of my life has always been to look for the next level of presence and authenticity.

    5 years ago, I got introduced to specific breathing exercises that could alter the body’s homeostasis and autonomic states with just the breath.

    As I got deeper into these breathing exercises I once tried them while ice swimming (by accident, actually!).

    I was surprised to find out that I didn’t get the usual ‘shock’ of cold water that usually follows. I spent a good while in the water and was very surprised how easy I felt the whole time through.

    After the dip I felt an immediate feeling of calmness and vitality that brought upon a whole new level of presence and peace.

    This means that you too, can take advantage of the many benefits of cold exposure therapy through specific breathing techniques - without the usual shock reaction.

    Here's what happened to me (and what can happen to you too) when I combined these specific breathing techniques with Cold Exposure in just 30 days:

    • Every self-doubt and fear I experienced went away. I almost couldn’t believe how free I felt about myself and my future

    • Small things stopped bothering me in my everyday life and the any and all feelings of unease just outright disappeared

    • I gained almost a ‘superpower’ level of mental clarity during my workdays after the cold practice

    • Immense effects on the quality of my life and happiness, both personally and for the people around me because I was so positive

    • My immunity to illness, sleep quality, and recovery times improved to be better than ever, that's a lot for a guy at 60 years of age!

    • My energy levels went through the roof

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    The Cold Exposure Course is for you if you:

    • Want to actually get rid of stress and anxiety in your life - not just manage it

    • Want to learn how to control your autonomic nervous system so that you can focus better and handle stressful situations with ease

    • Want to reach a new level of well-being in your life and find a calm, clear-minded, and relaxed state more often

    • Want to alleviate aches & pains and reduce inflammation, be it in the case of arthritis or other conditions that benefit from reducing systemic inflammation such as eczema, acne, depression, etc.

    • Already know about the benefits of Cold Exposure but just HATE the cold (this method will teach you to love it)

    Inside The 30-Day Course You Will Learn:

    • How to create exponentially more energy and vitality 

    • Through the combination of specific breathing techniques and intermittent cold exposure

    • How to reduce and alleviate pain and inflammation

    • By aggravating your immune system through Cold Exposure therapy you also increase beneficial hormones and fight off inflammation.

    • How to improve your sleep

    • And recover like a pro athlete with a simple 20-minute exercise

    • How to do Cold Exposure therapy AT HOME

    • In a controllable and comfortable way (you don’t need to have an ice hole near you)

    • The breathing techniques that you can do IMMEDIATELY

    • To relax your body and mind in stressful situations - even if you don’t have previous experience with breathing techniques

    • How to improve immune function and fight off illnesses

    • Did you know winter swimmers have up to 40% less respiratory illnesses than normal people? -That's cold exposure and breathing techniques at work

    • How to eliminate stress and anxiety 

    • In your life and have the tools to deal with any stressful situation in a calm and focused way

    • Boost ‘feel-good’ hormones

    • Such as dopamine and norephedrine in your body up to 540% - each time you practice

    • The PLEASANT way to get accustomed to cold - without the usual 'shock'

    • You will learn to LOVE the cold (this works without any prior experience with yoga, breathing techniques, or even if you HATE the cold)

    • Feel an IMMENSE increase in your quality of life and happiness in just 30 days 

    • AND continue to get better over time

    A step-by-step blueprint

    For comfortably conditioning your body to adapt to stress and reduce inflammation

    A 4-week program

    To methodically adapt your body for more exposure (and more benefits)

    15 video lessons and summaries for you to follow

    With live examples, easy to follow instructions, and specific pointers for each step of the program

    An MP3 audio guide to help you

    With timing your breathing practice that you can take with you

    "I would recommend this to anyone who has any problems with fear in their life or to people like me who have a "short fuse" so to speak."



    "I recommend this to anyone who wants to decrease their anxiety or stress levels, or reconnect with their power and their worth."



    "I recommend this to everyone but especially to those who suffer from chronic pain or pain in general, panic attacks etc."



    How do I join and how much is it?

    When doing my live workshops, I would charge 10 people $699 for a 2 day course where we would go through the whole process from start to finish with live examples and lessons both in a classroom and in a yoga studio. 

     I HAVE compiled all of my knowledge into this program, 

    made it easily digestible with short video lessons and live examples, audio guides and PDFs, 

    and have it all online so that you can go through the program at your own pace

    - wherever you are in the world.

    You get my full expertise of 20 years of breathwork and 5 years of doing and teaching cold exposure therapy in a digital format. I even go beyond what I used to teach in live workshops in terms of the theory and medical research on this topic...


    Nothing held back and no upsells or weird continuity programs. No extra purchases for gear or supplements. This program is ALL that you need in order to take advantage of breathing and cold exposure therapy to boost your life to the next level.


    I could sell this program for $297 and my students would think I am crazy for sharing the knowledge for so cheap. (Just the production costs are more than triple that)


    But I wanted to make this accessible for absolutely everybody.


    My wife called me crazy when she heard this…

    Here's my crazy launch discount offer for you:

    Normal Price For My In-Person Training: $699

    Normal Price For The 30-Day Cold Exposure Course: $99

    Launch Special Price: ONLY $39









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  • Your payment is 100% secure. 🔒 We use the best possible encryption method available.

  • **P.S.: This is a Limited Time Pre-Launch Offer for early students of the course at a 60% discounted price. As soon as the timer hits zero, the offer will expire and then you will have to pay the full price.

  • Our Bulletproof 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

    I am so confident that this will change your life for the better that if you for some reason decide that you are not happy with the program in the next 30 days, something unexpected comes up etc, I’d be happy to send you a refund, no questions asked. You can even keep the program. Try it out and return it if you want to. I am very confident in the method and that it will change your life for the better.

    I hope that I’ll see you inside. 

    (PS.This is a very limited time offer so do take advantage of it while you can.)

    Unfortunately we are not accepting new students right now.

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    What If I don’t have any experience with Yoga or breathwork?

    The course will teach you everything you need to know from the ground up - you will have a 4-week program to follow, starting from the basics. We make sure that you have all the tools needed, with no up-sells, continuity programs, or supplements required.

    How is this different from Wim Hof, Butyeko, or the Oxygen Advantage?

    While there are a lot of similarities, the cold exposure course focuses more on calming down the autonomic nervous system instead of aggravating it via long breath holds or hyper oxidization.  All of the above work together, though, so if you are already doing one or more - this course could be a great addition to your breathwork practice.

    Will this cure x or y condition / Can I be sure that this works

    While our students report great benefits from our program, the human body is always individually different. You might be more or less susceptible to cold than the average person and thus get more or less benefits. We never claim to cure any illnesses but our students have found great help with some of their conditions. We would recommend you to try out the course and if you don't get any benefits, our 30-Day No Questions Asked Guarantee makes sure that you can try out the course with a peace of mind. 

    How long are the daily sessions? I don't have much time to dedicate to this.

    The videos and lessons are between 10 minutes to 1 hour long but the sessions are only 15-20 minutes per day so you can easily fit this in your schedule even if you are busy.

    Can I do this training at my own pace?

    While the course is set up in 4 weeks to make sure you adapt at a comfortable rate, you can take longer or finish quicker depending on what you feel comfortable with. The course will be set up on Thinkific, so you will have a lifetime access login when you sign up. Go back to any lesson any time!

    I don't have ice or snow where I live, can I still do this?

    Absolutely, as long as you have cold water! 

    To your highest potential -Magnus

    Magnus Appelberg is a Finnish health professional who after graduating from the Technical University of Helsinki and studying dance at the Theater Academy went on a lifelong path of exploration towards Ashtanga yoga, meditation and hypnotherapy. Now, after 20 years of teaching yoga he explores the human capacity for adaptation to cold and how this transfers into a positive impact in our everyday life through breathwork and conscious manipulation of the autonomic nervous system.

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    Statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information provided by this website or this company is not a substitute for individual medical advice. Articles and information on this website may only be copied, reprinted, or redistributed with written permission. The purpose of this course is to encourage the free exchange of ideas. The entire contents of this website is based upon the opinions of Magnus Apperlberg, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective authors, who may retain copyright as marked. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the personal research and experience of Magnus Appelberg and the community. We will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this site; however, it is impossible to review all messages immediately. Always speak with your doctor before starting any new health regime.